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Plumbing, Pipe, Wrench, Plumber, Repair, Maintenance-min 2

A leaking pipe left unattended can quickly turn from bad to worse the moment it bursts and causes water damage in your home.
If the leak is small it can take days to weeks to show and overtime you will waste a lot of water and end up spending more than you should on your water bill, along with creating dangerous mould and mildew which can develop if left unchecked.

Here are 5 common causes of leaking pipes:

1. Corrosion

Corrosion generally affects pipes that are 10 years old or more, where rust and corrosion can eat away at the pipe and eventually create just enough space for water to escape through. Once the leak has been made, the integrity of the walls of the pipes begin to weaken, and will eventually cause the pipe to burst. It is highly recommended that these kinds of pipes are replaced with new plumbing. It is a common issue within old houses with plumbing systems that date back to a few decade ago.

2. Water Pressure

Our pipes have been designed in a way to withstand a certain level of pressure in order to function. When you significantly increase your water pressure, you apply unnecessary force to the inside of the pipes which greatly increases the risk of leaks and in worst case scenarios, the pipe bursting. If you suspect your water pressure is too high, you can easily check the pressure levels by attaching a pressure gauge to a garden tap. Most homes are usually around 300 to 500kpa and should not exceed 500kpa. If you are not confident in conducting the test yourself feel free to give one of our expert plumbers a call.

3. Damaged Seals

Seals are used all around the house and can be found on white goods and any fixtures that your plumbing piping is connected to. Seals help keep everything watertight, but like piping, will degrade over time. Replacement of any seals that are overly dry, old or damaged is strongly advised.

4. Degradation and Movement

All plumbing in and beneath your home is susceptible to ground movement. The foundations could settle over time and can cause your pipe work to move with the potential for them to crack or separate. Effects from erosion, wild weather such as floods, tree roots and in extreme cases, earthquakes. This movement can cause your piping to crack, bend or burst. If you notice your water pressure is low, discoloured or hear water noises behind a wall, contact a plumber immediately.

Clogged Drains

We’ve all experienced it in our lifetime. Whether it hair, grease, maybe a child’s toy car or two, whatever the cause, clogs are one of the most common causes for a leak in your home. Your first sign is that the water drains slower, perhaps stopping altogether, eventually causing the pipes beneath to start leaking. The use of drain cleaning products to clear blockages can also cause your pipes to leak through their corrosive action to clear the pipe. If left untreated, that can lead to big problems… not the least of which your child crying over his ‘lost’ toy.

Being thorough with inspection of your pipes around the home and having a trusted plumber you can call, can ensure these issues won’t cause further, and more costly, damage down the road. If you suspect you have any of these problems, call Gillies Group today “The Plumbing and Gas Specialist”

Proper maintenance and care is the key in preventing your pipes from leaking and bursting. If you are losing sleep over a leaking shower head or tap dripping then it’s probably a good idea to investigate where the issue is stemming from. If you are having trouble locating the problem or unsure on what to do, contact the professionals at Gillies Group.